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Before & after a product toss behind our mobile shop at one of the Capital street jams! Shot by Steve Stahl
Hard times here lately have had me wondering
what it’s going to take to continue giving back
to the BMX community without sacrificing any
more of the shop’s income, or worse - putting
business on the sidelines all together.
Then, after a successful fund-raiser raffle the
other week, I believe I’ve figured out a way to
use Raffles as a method of pushing high quality
aftermarket bikes to the riders that deserve
them - at little to no expense of their own.
All while helping business flourish!
And I’m going to attempt keeping these things going at least once per season!
The goal with this new program is to pool as many “donations” together as possible in order to help keep inventory circulating, as well as set money aside for the bus - in hopes of getting it truly road-ready by the time the Capital Tour becomes economically feasible again.
Not only does this open the door for you guys to win the opportunity to build your own completely custom BMX Bikes with me, but it serves as a great opportunity to get that bike into the hands of someone who deserves it!
I will personally hand build these bikes using only the parts that the winners have chosen, and will arrange to have them delivered anywhere in the country (Shipping rates apply outside of Missouri)
- Tim Hankins, Founder of Capital BMX Brand

Shots of the Capital BMX booth from last year's Wineglass Ramps Jam
Rules, Regulations, and Details;
- $20 per spot
- 69 total spots available (per month)
- Winner will be drawn during the last weekend of the month, or as soon as all the spots fill.
- Watch the raffle on Instagram Live with @timspreownedbmx - and stay tuned there for more details in the mean time.
- To ensure that the shop won’t take a loss on these raffles, I will be offering a secondary prize of 1x capitalbmxbrand.com “Gift Card” equivalent to the amount of every 10 spots sold, up until 60 spots have sold (which means that the winner still have enough credit to build a nice bike, just with a price limitation.)
- Once 60 spots have been filled, there will be no longer be limitations on the value of the bike that the winner gets to customize through the shop. Anything goes!
- If we fill all 69 spots, then I will also include some fresh Capital BMX Brand merchandise so the winner can be swaggin on their new bike when they win!
- You all are more than welcome to leave a note on your order requesting to sub someone else in as the owner of your Spot in the raffle. In the event that I draw that number as the winner, I will work with you and/or the person of your choice to make sure they get exactly what they want.
- Absolutely NO REFUNDS will be given for Raffle Spots!!

Spot #64 took the gold!
Congratulations to John Beltran of South Dakota for scoring a fresh custom build 100% off, courtesy of Capital BMX!